The CW50 is a 50 mile single loop around the beautiful Chiltern countryside. Runners must reach the finish within 13 hours to be elgible for awards. There are further cut offs on route.
The race route consists of a single 50 mile loop through the Chiltern Hills. Starting and finishing in the riverside village of Goring On Thames, It begins by heading down the 'hilliest' section of the Thames Path National Trail to Whitchurch, before joining the Chiltern Way to Mapledurham. From there it is a short 4 mile section through to Sonning Common, before runners get in to some of the best climbs, descents, valleys and villages that the Chilterns have to offer. Travelling first through Bix, runners then pay a visit to Turville and climb steeply out of the village directly past Cobstone Windmill. It's on and down through rolling countryside from there to the Ibstone check point. Runners then continue on the Chiltern Way to the highest point on the course at Christmas Common (800ft), before a fast descent underneath Watlington Hill, to join the Ridgeway as far as Swyncombe Farm aid station. Runners then take the Chiltern Way extension first east, then west to rejoin the Ridgeway at Nuffield. From there it's Grim's Ditch, then the final aid station at Blue Tin Produce and the run for home on one of the fastest sections of the course.
The route has 5600 feet of climb, and 5600 feet of descent.
Runners will meet at Goring Village Hall between 0645 and 0815 on race day. Following a short race briefing at the hall, runners will make their way down to the Thames riverside, 200 metres or so from the hall where the race will start at 0830. Final Cut Off is at 2130.
All rules are at the final discretion of the race management team. No challenges will be permitted.
Runners must carry the following mandatory equipment at all times. There are many options regards kit for fulfilling these requirements and those of other events. We stock what we believe to be the best options at our online store available by clicking here under the Mandatory Gear Section. Please ask us if you have any questions.
# | Rule | Runner Action | Penalty |
1 | There will be no unofficial runners. | Unofficial Runners/ Running without a registration or Running under another name | Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion |
2 | Each runners bib number must be worn on the front of the body and must be easily visible at all times. | Bib number not visible on front | One Hour Penalty |
3 | Runners must follow the marked trail/ course at all times. Any runner caught deliberately cutting the course will be banned from taking part in future Centurion events. | Short-cutting the route knowingly | At the RD's Discretion |
4 | Each runner must complete the entire course under his or her own power. | Receiving powered assistance ie. vehicular, bike, horse, or short rope from pacer | DQ |
5 | Runners may not store supplies of any kind along the trail. | Storing Supplies along the trail | Two Hour Penalty |
6 | Each runner must be checked IN to or visit all aid stations. | Check In at All Aid Stations | Time Penalty at RD Discretion |
7 | Cut-off times will be strictly enforced. There are cut offs at EVERY aid station. Runners leaving any aid station after the cut off will not be listed as official finishers and will not be eligible for awards. | Continuing/ leaving aid station after cut off | DQ |
8 | Injection of PEDs or Fluids/ IVs by non-official race medical personnel | Injection of PEDs or Fluids/ IVs by non-official race medical personnel | DQ and Lifetime Ban |
9 | Littering of any kind will result in immediate disqualification. Runners caught littering will be banned from all future Centurion events. Please respect the natural beauty of our trails and the right of everyone to enjoy them. Littering will threaten our use of the trails and the future of the race. | Littering by competitor or crew | DQ |
10 | Any runner who is unable to finish the race must personally inform the aid station captain of the nearest checkpoint of their decision to withdraw. HE OR SHE MUST HAND IN THEIR RACE NUMBER TO THE AID STATION CAPTAIN AT THAT TIME. This serves as official notice of a runner’s withdrawal from the race. Runners who leave the course without turning in their number will be classified as “lost,” initiating serach and rescue, for which the runner will be charged. | Not informing organisers of withdrawal from event | DQ and ban at race directors discretion |
11 | Minimum age on race day is 20 | Providing false information relating to age on registration form | Lifetime Ban |
12 | Pacers are not permitted at any time | Pacers accompanying runners | DQ |
13 | Runners must carry with them AT ALL TIMES the mandatory equipment required. | Missing Item of Mandatory Kit | Minimum of 1 hour penalty per missing item |
14 | There will be mandatory gear checks at the start, on route, or at the finish. Failure to comply with the gear checks will result in disqualification. | Refusal to have obligatory equipment checked | DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion |
15 | Runners are not to be accompanied by dogs at any time whilst on course. | Accompanied by dog | DQ |
16 | We reserve the right to conduct pre and post-competition testing for any and all performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) listed on the current WADA Prohibited List. Any athlete who refuses to submit to anti-doping controls, if selected for testing, shall be disqualified and subject to a lifetime ban from our events. | Refusal to comply with testing if selected. | DQ and Lifetime Ban |
17 | Runners must not be crewed in any way at this event | Being crewed in any way | DQ |
18 | Runners must at all times comply with any instruction given by race management, staff and volunteers. | Refusal to comply with an order from the race directors, race staff, doctors or rescue personnel. | DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion |
Any protests to a ruling or of a runner to runner violation must be submitted by a registered entrant and must be lodged using the following procedure:
1. Report the alleged violation to the runner, his/her crew or pacer as the incident occurs. Enlist a fellow witness to the alleged violation if possible.
2. Report the alleged violation with the runner’s name and number to the next available aid station staff.
3. Report the alleged violation in writing at the finish line to the race director. All protests must be submitted by 6pm on Monday following the race. Written protest must include the name of the person who lodged the complaint.
4. Decision on all violations and rules is at the final discretion of the Race Management ONLY. There will be no challenges after that decision.
The footpaths, bridleways and roads on the course are used by, but not limited to, horse riders, walkers and mountain bikers. Please be aware of other people whilst you are running and be as polite and courteous as possible to them, making way when necessary, particularly to horses. You do not have priority over any other users out on the course, most will be totally unaware of the event taking place.
Please see the video here for details on what the terms crews, pacers and supporters mean and where and when the three groups are permitted at our events.
Crews are not permitted at this event.
Pacers are not permitted at this event.
Supporters should refer to this page for details of where best to support.
The Chiltern Wonderland 50 is an extremely challenging event and participation presents numerous medical risks, many of which can be extremely serious or fatal.
Participation in this event is at the runner’s own risk. Although medical personnel are positioned at various points along the course, the inaccessibility of much of the trail will make it difficult or impossible for medical assistance to reach the runner immediately.
Medical support at the race is under the direction of the Race Medical Director who’s details to be used in an emergency will be made available to all runners at registration, further to that of the Race Director.
The medical team on site for the weekend is provided by Code Blue Medical Services. At any one time during the race there will be at least two roving teams out on the course. There will also be a static medical team at the FInish.
Runners should appreciate the risks associated with participation in this event. Actions may have to be taken on your behalf under extreme time constraints and adverse circumstances. We will make every effort to give assistance whenever possible but ultimately and primarily you are in charge, and you are likely to be solely responsible for creating your own crisis that we must then respond to. Be careful, be responsible, and do not exceed your own abilities and limitations. Remember the hazards:
Vehicle Hazards: There are multiple areas on the course where runners must be watchful for vehicles. Road crossings are not marshalled.
Use of Drugs: No drugs of any kind should be taken before, during or immediately after the race.
Injuries from Falling: Falling is an ever-present danger on trails, with potentially serious consequences. Much of the trail is narrow, uneven and rutted and some sections are very steep. The course may be covered with sitting water, snow or ice which will create significant challenges and potential hazards to runners.
Overuse Injuries: Obviously, innumerable overuse injuries can occur, especially in the knee and the ankle. Sprains and fractures can easily occur on the trails. Blisters may also halt progress.
Common Fatigue: One of the dangers you will encounter is fatigue. Fatigue, combined with the effects of dehydration, hypothermia, hyperthermia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia and other debilitating conditions can produce disorientation and irrationality.
Difficulty in Gaining Access to or Locating Injured Participants: Much of the trail is inaccessible by motor vehicle. Accordingly, in spite of the many layers of safety precautions instituted by the race management (including radio communications, sweepers, foot patrols and other emergency services and medical personnel at many checkpoints), there is absolutely no assurance that aid or rescue assistance will arrive in time to give you effective assistance should you become sick, incapacitated or injured.
What to do in a Medical Emergency:
If there is a problem and you need the Medical Team either to attend or just for advice, call: 07421 005671 at ANY time during the event.
This will put you through to the Event Medical Team Leader who will co-ordinate any response and/or give advice, Our team will be happy to talk you through Emergency Aid Procedures on the phone whilst they are on their way to you.
If you are ill/injured or have found someone who is ill/injured and need the medical team to attend your location, we’ll need to know the following:
Your Phone Number (In case we need to call you back)
Where You Are. We’re also able to access Lat/Long if you have a GPS with that capability.
Your name and/or Runner Number and that of the Casualty if Different.
What’s wrong? What do you need the medical team for?
If you are not the casualty, but have found them, please stay with them until help arrives, whilst this may impact on your personal best, at least you’ll have a good excuse
Make the casualty as visible as possible and keep them warm, It is mandatory for each runner to carry a “Foil Blanket” which should be used if you're in any doubt at all.
Do not allow the casualty to move UNLESS they are in an unsafe position, e.g. in the middle of a busy road and there is no other option.
Do not give the casualty anything to eat or drink until the medical team arrive as they may require surgery or medical procedures at hospital and food/drink will delay this being able to happen.
Be ready to flag down the Medical Team when they are close by.
The phone used to call the Medical Team must remain with the casualty until the medical team arrives, if we’re having difficulty finding you, we will call you back.
Calling 999
General Rule: If the Casualty is NOT BREATHING, is likely to STOP BREATHING imminently, call 999 for the Ambulance Service, then the Event Medical Team (We ask that you call both because we may be close by and can assist until the 999 Service Arrives), for all other Injuries/Illnesses, call the Event Medical Team on the above number FIRST and we’ll take it from there.
If you just need advice, give the Medical Team a call on the number above, or speak to one of the marshalls.
There are other significant risks to runners during the race which do not fall under the medical category. The major ones are listed here and all runners should be aware of these prior to race day.
1. Social Hazards. The course makes its way through remote sections of trail. There is always the opportunity for undesirable characters to be on or around the trail and the chance that they may cause trouble for runners. Runners who want to listen to music should use headphones should be aware of their surroundings at all times on the trail.
2. Getting lost. Race staff and the volunteers do their best to provide a marked trail, but it is necessary for runners to continually remain alert as they travel. Access to the GPX file of the route on your device, or a map of the course, is advised.
These type of running events survive because of the incredible volunteers who work the aid stations. Without them there would be no race.
The aid stations are well stocked with provisions suitable for all dietary requirements. Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free:
There will be hot food and drinks at the finish.
Without the assistance of the volunteers and race medics, there would be no race. Many of these volunteers have spent days preparing for the run and will be out on the course over both Friday and Saturday, assisting runners. They have given up their weekend to insure you the best possible chance of success. Courtesy and sincere thanks from the runners will go a long way to help make their day.
Cut-off and “pace” times are listed on the Aid Station Chart. Cut-off times reflect the deadlines for LEAVING the aid station. If you return to an aid station after the cut-off, you will be WITHDRAWN from the race. The cut-off times will be strictly enforced by the Aid Station Teams. Anyone leaving an aid station after the cut-off time will be disqualified. This rule is for the safety of all participants. There is NO NEGOTIATION on the cut off times.
All finishers under the 13 hour cut off will receive a medal.
Runners crossing the finish line after the 13 hour cutoff will not be listed as official finishers and will not be eligible for awards.
Male and Female Race winners will be awarded additional prizes marking their achievement. As will all age category winners: First V40, V50, V60 and V70 Male and Female.