20 May 2024

NDW50 2024 Race Report

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2024 marked the thirteenth edition of the North Downs Way 50. And better conditions we've probably never had. One could be picky and say it was a touch humid and the ground a little sticky in places with all the rain over the winter but all in all, it was a great May day once again with cloudy skies turning to sunny intervals and temperatures ranging from 11 to 20 degrees - always manageable. 

361 runners set out from Farnham, spread out over two waves, with the runners with faster anticipated finishing times heading off at 0700 to really create lots of space on the trail and of course at the finish where we are always grateful to Knockholt Pound Village for hosting us. 

The womens race was led from the gun by Katie Young, a Centurion coached athlete no less, wearing the polka dot bib that our coaching community are given. Fresh off of the back of a top ten at the MDS and a win at the Coastal Challenge - Costa Rica, Katie clearly had great running from the start, forged a gap over the rest of the field in the early miles and didn't look back. Although visibly suffering with a niggle on any descents in the latter stages, her super strong hiking pace more than made up for it and she ran the flats hard and fast right to the bitter end to sneak in under the eight hour mark, putting her seventh on the all time list. 

Katie Young

In second place, Michelle Attridge made it two excellent run outs from two as she completed the first half of her Grand Slam attempt. She finished in 8:28. Third place was taken by Natalie Taylor who passed Mary Marshall late on. 

The mens race saw the lead taken early by Alistair Courtney, fresh off of the back of his win at the South Downs Way 50. Oliver Knowles was right behind however and after CP1 snuck past into the lead, which he held through CP3 at mile 24. His margin there was six minutes over Alistair, but six guys were hot on his heels and made it through that check point in under three hours which is somewhat unheard of. Over the next, arguably toughest section of the course to Reigate Hill featuring Box Hill Steps and then the climb up Colley Hill, Oliver slipped back and it was Patrick Wightman who moved into the lead. From there he eeked out just a couple of minutes over each remaining section to eventually come across the line first in a new course record time of 6:31:48. After finishing second last year, this was a just reward. Alistair held on for a briliiant second in 6:38, with Benjamin Hall taking third in 6:46:56, just 27 seconds ahead of Marius Posa in fourth.

Patrick Wightman

In the age categories, with Katie Young having celebrated her fortieth birthday just a few days prior to the race, she also won her age category which was a lovely bonus to help her celebrate! First FV50 was Sharon Walker in 8:58.

In the mens Age Categories, first MV40 was Guy Hudson in 7:04. The mens V50 award went to Michael Williams in 7:45. First MV60 to Aziouz Lammali in 9:12 and first MV70 was of course Ken Fancett in 11:32.

330 runners across the line here was a new record. A wonderful one to set. A huge thank you to all of our volunteers of whom over 70 of them made all of this possible.