The 2021 event is going ahead as planned with adjustments for Covid-19 transmission risk mitigation. For the latest information head to the Covid tab here

Centurion Running

South Downs Way 100®

12 Jun 2021

Course Records

Mark Perkins (M)



Jean Beaumont (F)




The 2021 South Downs Way 100 is scheduled to take place on 12th-13th June 2021.

We will need to implement Covid-Secure protocols in order to ensure the safety of everyone at the event including but not limited to runners, volunteers, staff and crew.

All runners will be emailed 4 weeks out from race day with the final details but as it stands, the below will all be in place on race weekend.


If any runner, crew, pacer, volunteer or staff member has had any symptoms related to COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to race day then they must not attend the event.

All runners and volunteers should make provision to test themselves at home the day before the event and the day afterwards. Free home test kits are available via the NHS from this link

All Staff will test for Covid immediately before and after each event.

Runners may be limited to a maximum of 2 crew people and/or 2 vehicles at any one time on course. Eg. Runner may have two members from their household/ bubble in one vehicle, or two separate crew people each driving one vehicle each.

Runners may be asked to provide in advance of race day the name, email address and phone number of any person who is crewing during the event - such that if an infection is reported post race, we can hear from them or contact them immediately depending on circumstances.


Runners will not be kit checked prior to the start, runners must have all mandatory equipment  on them at all times as per the normal race rules. Random kit checks will be carried out on course as usual by staff in full PPE.

Bibs will still be posted out to runners, but trackers must be collected on race day.

There will be no ‘in person’ Race Briefing, The briefing will be recorded via video and the link shared 72 hours prior to the start.

Start: There will be a rolling start. Runners are asked to aim for the following approximate starting windows:

  • 27-30hr: 0530-0600
  • 23-27hr: 0500-0530
  • Sub 23hr: 0430-0500

Runners will have their temperature checked at the start from a socially distanced volunteer or staff in full PPE/ face shield -  via a temperature gun. Runners exhibiting temps above 37.8C will not be permitted to start. 

Runners are asked please keep group sizes to a minimum out on the trail to make as much space as possible for other trail users.


Masks/ PPE: At the start, finish or any check point location you visit, you will be asked to wear a mask, unless the runner has a mask exemption. 

Staff/ Volunteers will be mandated to wear PPE at all times indoors and/ or when performing duties in or outdoors. 

Check Point etiquette: Each checkpoint may be split into two or three mini check points with access to liquid in up to six places to speed up the process. Arriving at the checkpoint, runners may just run past, or head into the tent/ hall. A staked funnel with social distancing imposed will be laid out for runners coming to use the aid. All runners must use sanitiser as they enter a checkpoint. If any of 3 mini checkpoints are empty, then a runner can come straight in. The checkpoints will be 3 tables set out length ways, with one volunteer managing each table. Runners will top up their bottles from the drinks provided and take any food that they need. One volunteer will marshal the entry process into the checkpoint/ sanitiser use and ensure no gathering in the check point area. Runners will take fluid and nutrition, then sanitise their hands again before moving out of the checkpoint on down the course.

Runners may be asked to serve themselves drinks, including refilling bottles and bladders. The normal three fluid options will be provided: Water, Tailwind and Coke/ Pepsi. All food may be served in single serve packets only (once again hands are to be sanitised on the way in and out of every check point). 

Hot Drinks: The check points providing hot water will be unchanged. 

Minibus: The sweeper minibus will operate as normal, our regular 17 seater bus. The maximum capacity of that bus may be reduced to 8 people including the driver to ensure social distancing and windows will be open as far as practical. The bus will be wiped down and sanitised after each use. Runners using the sweeper bus should wear a mask whilst on board. The driver will wear a mask whilst driving the vehicle.

Cut offs: Are as per normal - but are not fixed times due to the rolling start. Any runner that misses a cut off will be informed at that check point or at worst, the following checkpoint if they are missed initially. Runners must stay within the relative cut offs for each check point. 

The medical team may operate a “Non” Standby at Aid Stations policy, but will attend when called in.  Ambulance Crews will be attending every incident in a minimum of Level 2 PPE (Gloves, Mask, Apron, Eye Protection) and reserves the right to pull anyone suspected of exhibiting Covid-19 Symptoms from the race with immediate effect. Where a runner, volunteer or crew exhibits COVID-19 Symptoms on race day, they are to be isolated from all other participants.  They will then need to be returned to “Home” to self isolate and arrange a swab test. 

General Public/ Other trail users: As always, runners should give way to other trail users and be especially courteous when passing walkers, bikers and riders. To make sure to maintain social distancing when passing any other user and particularly through pinch points on narrow trail or through gates and stiles to stand well back where appropriate and allow others to pass safely and at distance.


Runners will be asked to move immediately on from the finish line, unless medical attention is required. A static medical team will work the finish as usual.

Award collection: Awards will be laid out on tables for collection by each runner

Provision of hand sanitiser will be available at all stages, the finish, the food and the drop bag collection areas.

Food and Drink will be in single serve packs: Hot drinks, hot water, basic single serve supplies. Takeaway hot dog or veggie dog will be provided, pre wrapped and prepared.

Runners will be asked to take immediate onward transport with crew, family, friends or taxi to hotel/ home. 

Changing or showers will not be available. Toilets are available.

Shuttle Bus will operate as normal, but social distancing and or masks may be required on board.


Any runner, crew or volunteer must contact us if they show any Covid-19 symptoms within 7 days of the race. 

If there is any reported transmission or risk of transmission post race then all parties with any possible risk will be contacted.

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